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Local News

Massive explosion in Clinton Township industrial area, injuries reported

CLINTON TOWNSHIP, Mich.  — Clinton Township police asked everyone to avoid the area near 15 Mile Road and Groesbeck Highway because of an industrial explosion and fire Monday evening.

Authorities reported injuries to pedestrians and at least one firefighter. The extent of their injuries is unknown at this time.

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Officials have not yet confirmed what caused the explosion but urged people to stay inside. They said “debris is being projected into the air and coming down as far as a mile away from the explosion.”

Sterling Heights police Monday night said their 911 lines were down due to the explosion. For police assistance, people were urged to call the department’s front desk at 586-446-2801.

Loud sounds and huge plumes of smoke could be seen and heard from miles away.

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“At first, I thought it was the next door neighbor doing something … crazy outside. And the wife is like ‘no, I just checked Facebook, there’s explosions going on.’ And I followed the plume of smoke and the shaking car, and here I am. And these are the baby explosions going off. There was much bigger ones going off earlier,” said one witness.

“You could feel the concussions from the explosions in the car,” he added.

Another witness described what they experienced Monday evening: “At the time when it first started off, I was actually inside the house… when I had a chance to get to the front, we all ran outside. We saw the sky was really orange. So at that point, we kept hearing consistent booming, booming noises.”

“There was fire everywhere, fire in the street, fire behind the building… it was really, really crazy. I’ve never seen anything like that before,” he added.

Another witness said, “I thought it was thunder… I actually checked my weather app to see if it was supposed to storm or rain tonight and it wasn’t, and that’s when I heard about it.”

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